Are you a mission-driven person, brand, or organization?

Join us on our mission to make a tangible impact + inspire people everywhere to live Heart Strong.

Please take a look at how you can get involved.

“While the foundation has helped us meet the practical needs of families, they also offer families and patients a connection to a community of people who share their unique experience first-hand. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to work closely with the The Heart Strong Collective and to access the unique support they provide!”

— Cardiac Social Worker, Boston Children’s Hospital

Partner With Us

We are working on several timely projects and events that equip people to be Heart Strong and give back to support families in the long haul of raising kids with chronic and complex illnesses. We’re looking for brands, individuals, and corporate partners committed to investing in change, big and small, in building a Heart Strong world.

  • Four Hearts Shop is a 100% non-profit shop on a mission to encourage others and make a tangible impact in the communities we serve. We’re looking for brands, influencers, and creators to help us grow The Heart Strong Brand and, in turn, support our non-profit programs.

  • We grow as a community because of amazing people like you. Are you passionate about what we do?

    Create a fundraiser here.

    OR Contact us about hosting a fundraiser in your community or through your brand or business and be part of an extensive network of people committed to making a difference.

  • Jessica Lindberg is a thought leader, social entrepreneur, and, at her core, a curious woman who has found gifts in the most challenging spaces of her life. Jessica is the mom of four boys, her oldest and youngest were born with rare and chronic illnesses. She is the founder of The Heart Strong Collective, the creator and designer of Four Hearts Shop, and the creator and host of The Heart Strong Podcast. Jessica’s purpose is to teach people to take their greatest pain and life challenges and to create an impact that transforms themselves, their families, and the world around them for good. Invite Jessica to inspire your crowd to live Heart Strong.

  • The Heart Strong podcast explores inspiring perspectives and offers tangible advice on growing through the inevitable challenges you face so you can live a fulfilling, purposeful life. Our founder, Jessica Lindberg invites you into her story and brings you thought leaders, authors, experts, and everyday amazing people who have something to teach us all about living fully amidst our struggles.

    Proceeds from the podcast sponsorships support our non-profit programs. Contact us to learn more.